Complaints Process

The Code and Your Rights/Ōu Mōtika

When you use a health or disability service in New Zealand, you have the protection of a Code of Rights.

Kei ngā tāngata katoa te haumarutanga o te Tikanga Mōtika me ka mahi te ratonga hauora, hauātanga rānei.

Right 1 The right to be treated with respect | Mana

Right 2 The right to fair treatment | Manaakitanga

Right 3 The right to dignity and independence | Tū rangatira Motuhake

Right 4 The right to appropriate standards | Tautikanga

Right 5 The right to effective communication | Whakawhitiwhitinga whakairo

Right 6 The right to be informed | Whakamōhio

Right 7 The right to choose and consent | Whakaritenga mōu ake

Right 8 The right to support | Tautoko

Right 9 Rights during teaching and research | Ako me te rangahau

Right 10 The right for your complaint to be taken seriously | Amuamu

For support and information, contact your local advocate or the Health and Disability Commissioner: HDC Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga | 0800 11 22 33 Advocacy Ngā Kaitautoko | 0800 555 050

Complaints procedure

Kiritaki need to be told of the steps they can take if they have any concerns about the service they have experienced.

Lead providers (or named service provider NSP, NP) need to discuss the process with kiritaki at the initial stages of engagement and provide the complaints form and process description if they believe that kiritaki would like to make a complaint about their practice. Information on the complaints process can also be found on the Access Associates website (insert webpage address).

Providers are asked to encourage kiritaki to talk with them directly about their concerns if they can be cordially addressed within the therapeutic relationship. However, kiritaki do not need to do so and can instead contact the supplier through phone/ email / kanohi ki te kanohi meeting. Kiritaki are encouraged to have a support person if they wish.

Once the supplier receives a complaint, they will contact the provider for their input and information about any steps they have taken to address the issues raised. Providers need to discuss the concerns raised by the kiritaki about their practice with their supervisor and follow the appropriate professional process.

Depending on the matters kiritaki raise and their preferences, the supplier at their discretion or at the request of the kiritaki, will support them to address their concerns with the provider to repair their therapeutic relationship, change to another provider and/or support them to take the matter further with the provider’s professional body (and the Health and Disability Commission if relevant).

The supplier will assist the lead provider to meet the obligations of their professional association and will be apprised of the outcome by the lead provider at the conclusion of the professional body process. The supplier will inform ACC. If the complaint is upheld and / or the lead provider’s APC withdrawn, the provider will not be able to continue to provide services to kiritaki via the Access Associates supplier contract.

Complaint form

 Please complete this form or contact the supplier on 02102374069 or

email: to arrange to meet in person if you prefer. Your concerns will be taken seriously and addressed as a matter of urgency.

For support and information, contact your local advocate or the Health and Disability Commissioner: HDC Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga | 0800 11 22 33 Advocacy Ngā Kaitautoko | 0800 555 050