What will happen when you contact us:

When you contact us via Rashi Gadekar (the supplier for our group) on 021 0237 4069 or info@accessassociates.co.nz, she will try to get a picture of the sort of therapist you would like to work with.

For example, it may be that you prefer to work with a woman therapist, or that you would prefer a therapist close to home, or a therapist who has experience of working with people with a diagnosis of personality disorder or anxiety or complex trauma.

She will then contact the group to see who may be available at the earliest to see you, that best meets what you want. Alternatively, you can directly contact any of the therapists listed here.

Neither Rashi nor any of the other therapists will ask about your personal story over the phone.

Please note that we cannot respond to non - ACC enquiries.


Enquiry Form:

PLEASE NOTE: Someone is sending fake job emails out pretending to be us. Please be aware that there are NO JOBS CURRENTLY BEING ADVERTISED BY US.

Any enquiries received about job applications will be blocked and deleted.


Our Offices

We work from sites in Rangiora and in Christchurch from St Martins, Ilam, Woolston and in the central city. We can provide assessment services in North Canterbury and in each of the local prisons (Rolleston, Christchurch Men’s and Women’s).